
Supported Python versions#

medkit requires a distribution of Python with a minimum version of 3.8.


It is recommended to install medkit in a virtual or conda environment.

Install an official version#

Releases of medkit are published on PyPI under the name medkit-lib.

To install medkit with basic functionalities:

python -m pip install 'medkit-lib'

To install medkit with all functionalities:

python -m pip install 'medkit-lib[all]'

Using conda, mamba or micromamba:

conda create -n medkit python=3.8
conda activate medkit
pip install 'medkit-lib[all]'

Install a development version#

To start contributing, first clone the medkit repository locally:

Using Git:

git clone

or the GitHub CLI:

gh repo clone medkit-lib/medkit.git

This project uses Hatch to manage its dependencies. Please follow its installation instructions.

The project can be deployed in a virtual environment and tested with:

hatch run test

The corresponding documentation can be built with:

hatch run docs:build

Or served with interactive reloading with:

hatch run docs:serve

Code linting and formatting can be applied with:

hatch fmt

Additional checks may be run using pre-commit:

pre-commit run --all-files